NatGLC is a dynamic force driving positive change in the agricultural landscape.
The mission of the National Grazing Lands Coalition (NatGLC) is dedicated to providing voluntarily ecologically and economically sound management of all grazing lands for their adaptive uses and multiple benefits to the environment and society through science-based technical assistance, research and education.
Who We Work With
NatGLC works with individuals from leading agricultural organizations across the country to establish local, state, and regional partnerships to foster grazing lands conservation and stewardship.
We are founded on the principles of voluntary action by those who own and manage grazing lands, and a respect for private property rights.

“As we continue to champion good grazing practices,
we are contributing to a more resilient and sustainable future for agriculture.”
Ashley McDonald, Executive Director
This training aims to enable students to assist livestock producers more effectively through improved communication skills and knowledge, related to applied resource conservation on grazing lands and livestock operations.
Participation will increase students' understanding and knowledge of livestock operations and the economic impact of conservation-related decisions.
A program of NatGLC, Western Grazing Network aims to regionally pilot a new model of natural resource management, conservation, and market-derived financing that values landscape functionality for both agriculture commodity production and a full suite of ecosystem services, including GHG benefits.
Grazing Lands Events
NatGLC hosts, sponsors and supports various events across the country.
We also share other grazing lands events, click on the button below to add your event.
Watch us on YouTube
NatGLC’s YouTube channel features a variety of videos related to grazing including educational, producer stories, and more. Make sure you subscribe!